Thursday, January 24, 2008


Email Marketing: On Keeping Online Businesses Profitable

The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage--at least it seems that way. If you've been thinking you need to know more about it, here's your opportunity.

Since the advent of the information technology, the Internet had been a valuable commodity to most people. Here, they find ways on how to earn more money even without having to spend more capital on building a business.

Nowadays, many business people are realizing the importance of email marketing. Through emails, an online business can market their product directly through their customers.

Generally, the main purpose of email marketing is to reach their target audience as quickly and as direct as possible. They need to reach their target market so as to promote their products and services that would benefit their customers.

However, some businesses use email marketing in order to maintain their contact and relationship with their customers.

The reason why email marketing has grown in such unprecedented rate is based on the fact that people in the virtual community are always hungry for information. They subscribe to information that they are interested in.

On the other hand, not all people are willing to subscribe to such information. They may be interested on your products once but may no longer be interested to buy again. Moreover, when you continue to send those emails that do not have their permissions, you can be accused of spamming.

Today, spamming is a serious offense especially in the world of information technology. Because the Internet is such a wild place, most authorities regard the privacy of each person as valuable and they continue to uphold this thinking even on the Internet.

With this, the creation of opt in list had gained tremendous acceptance. Because of its viability and feasibility to most online businesses, a lot of people have realized how important opt in lists are in email marketing.

Basically, opt in list refers to the list of email addresses of people who have agreed to subscribe to your mailing list. In this way, you can freely send emails that entail promotions, brochures, new product announcements, and every aspect of your marketing campaign.

Hopefully the information presented so far has been applicable. You might also want to consider the following:

When you build an opt in list, you do not only increase the probability of being successful in email marketing but also boost your sales and profits as well. This is because building an opt in list will give you the chance to stay in contact with your customers by getting their email address.

In this manner, you can continue to promote your products and services in which they are interested in because they have opted to subscribe in your mailing list. Hence, whatever it is that you feed them, chances are, they will most likely respond positively.

In reality, building an opt in list is actually letting the people realize the charisma and magic of email marketing. In this way, spams will be avoided, if not eliminated, and will not ruin the positive image of email marketing.

With spamming, email marketing becomes a disgraceful activity in the Internet. But with opt in list, online businesses can continue to boost their businesses through email marketing without having to worry about being accused of spamming.

In building opt in list, there are two types to be considered. The first one is the single opt-in and the other one is the double opt-in or the confirmed opt-in.

In building single opt-in list, online businesses would simply use a sign-up tag in their web sites so that every time a person visits their website, he or she can opt to subscribe in the business email list.

On the other hand, a confirmed opt-in list or double opt-in entails a confirmation message after the customer had subscribed to the particular web sites email list.

Usually, the confirmation takes place by replying on a system-generated message that asks for a confirmation of the subscription or by clicking on a link that entails the confirmation of the customer.

Whatever type of opt in list you would prefer, each has its own pros and cons when it comes to email marketing. But nevertheless, both are designed to give your online business the best solution possible in order to generate emails and permissions without having to get into trouble.

Indeed, email marketing is such a profitable business in the Internet. But it would not be complete and will never succeed without the help of the opt-in lists. These two must always go hand-in-hand in order to be successful in the virtual world of Internet marketing.

As your knowledge about email marketing continues to grow, you will begin to see how email marketing fits into the overall scheme of things. Knowing how something relates to the rest of the world is important too.

Eugenijus Sakalauskas is an established ezine publisherand direct marketer on Subscribe to my FREE e-course "Power up Your Profits by Packing Your Email Marketing With More Punch" Send blank or visit and get 18+ free bonuses.Vitia Blog60379
Esther Blog84372

Loving Money Attracts More Of It Into Your Life

To be in vibrational resonance with money, you have to love it. If you fear money or do not love it, you will repel it away from you. By thinking thoughts such as you should not love money or feel desire for it, you are causing vibrational dissonance between your subconscious mind and money. By loving money and being comfortable around it like it is your good friend, you free yourself to have money and have it more abundantly.

We have been taught that the love of money is the root of all evil. Therefore we think that it is wrong to love money. But that is one of the biggest errors the world has ever made about understanding money. The truth is, the love of money is not evil. It is only the root of evil. The love of anything can be the root of evil. People have done all kinds of evil for love. Love is not evil. It is when people love with ignorance that results in evil. Loving with awareness only results in good.

When you love money, it can be the root of all good or all evil. Remember that all truth are half truths. The glass can be half empty or half full. One perspective is only half the truth. When you can see things one way as well as the opposite, you have full perspective and total truth. When you love money, that love is the root that can grow into that which is good or evil. Loving money with awareness leads to all good whereas loving money with ignorance leads to all evil.

Observe of the way you behave around money. Notice your thoughts and feelings when you are dealing with it. Do you try to handle it discreetly as though you are almost ashamed of it? Do you find it awkward when you talk about any subject that involves money? Do you try to think as little about it as possible as you quickly pass it to the person you are buying something from, or taking it and putting it away hurriedly as if the longer it stays in sight, the more unacceptable it feels?

All of such behaviors and attitudes shows how you really are towards money. You have an unconscious dislike towards money. You may have all the conscious thoughts about how good it is to have money and believing that you are wealthy, but if you are acting like this towards money, you are creating resistance which prevents money from flowing freely to you. This awareness will open your eyes to your relationship with money and free you from unwittingly repelling it.

Wealth is a state of being. Having wealth begins with being wealth. When you are wealth, you are one with everything that is wealth. To be one with something is to love it, accept it, embrace it and be completely comfortable with it. Money being a form of energy that facilitates enjoyment and providence is a form of wealth. Therefore to be wealth is to be one with money and to love it, accept it, embrace it and be completely comfortable with it. Money moves to the one who loves it the most!

Take out some bills from your wallet and hold it in your hands. Look at it and just be with it. Say to yourself that you love money and money loves you. Feel good about it and feel the love for it. Do the same with your credit cards, your jewelries, your checks, your back account statement, and things that represent money. See all these things not as separated from you, but they are all extensions of your being. The more you love money and are at one with it, the more you attract it into your life.

Treat money with respect and appreciation. When you pass money to someone, do not just chuck it in their hands as if it were a bunch of papers. Hand it over to them as though you were presenting a sword with both hands to a worthy knight. When you receive money, do not take it as though you were grabbing a bunch of dirt and putting it away as if you are trying to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Take your money with appreciation and handle it comfortably as though it is your favorite pen.

Anytime you see money come into your life such as when you see commissions from sales or gifts from people, love it, welcome it and feel that it loves coming to you. Have the attitude that people love to give money for what you have to offer, and share it willingly and happily with you. Anytime you spend money to get what you desire, do it happily and willingly. Whenever you give money to loved ones or charity, handle your money comfortably and give it as though you are giving your love.

Loving money unites you with it. Fearing money separates you from it. We have an unconscious fear for something when we keep distancing ourselves from it and see it as separate from us. We have an unconscious love for something when we keep being near or around it and see it as a part of us. Allow yourself to identify with money and see your money as you. But when money goes away from you, do not think of yourself as any lesser because to love perfectly is to love freely without attachment.

Love material things in the material world as well. Love your house, your car, your toys, your clothes, your looks, your body and all your material possessions. Feel good about them and see them as all extensions of yourself. Be unashamed to show your money or your material possessions to others. In heaven everyone shows off the beauties of their creation to one another proudly and joyfully. Material things and spiritual things are the same because they are all energy of the source which is God.

People who see themselves as good but see money as evil repel money away from them. People who see themselves as evil but see money as meant for good people, repel money. People who see themselves as good and see money as good attract money to themselves. People who see themselves as evil and see money as evil also attract money to themselves. It is all about being in vibrational resonance by seeing you and money are of the same kind which draws it to you.

Enoch Tan aims to help people achieve greater awareness in living and experiencing life. To evolve human consciousness to higher levels. To change lives and transform the universe. To revolutionize the way we understand the mind and reality. Because that is what governs every area of life and destiny. Get Free Ebooks of The Most Powerful Knowledge and Learn Secrets of Mind and Reality That will Fully Benefit You Now at: http://www.MindReality.comFanchon Blog77567
Florry Blog50680

Getting More Traffic To Your Home Based Business Website By Translating It

Statistically, 95% of new businesses fail, many of them in the first year. The new business owner gets frustrated with the anemic results gotten when they have been promised riches beyond their imaginations. The web is very good at prodding our imaginations. Many home based business and make money online ads, web pages, and emails tell you that you can easily be making $300 to $20,000 per month and you could be doing it in a matter of weeks. This is just unrealistic. Do you know why the internet mega-earners make so much money? They have been doing it a long, long time. They have many well established web pages that have many well established hyperlinks. They have huge lists of opt-in newsletter subscribers that follow their every move. Whey they say something is the next big thing, the herd buys it without question. The money comes flowing in. The rest of us look on scratching our heads wondering when it will be our turn. Wonder as much as you want. These internet gurus took years to get where they are today. If we stick with it, it will probably be the same case for the rest of us.

The modern internet started in the early 1990s with the first graphical web browser. I hate to break the news, but it was not Internet Explorer or Netscape. The current system of hypertext, the links that make up the internet, was a system of embedded links in text to link to other text. This became known as the World Wide Web in 1991, yes 1991! The web browser that made this protocol successful was called Mosaic. Mosaic was the first graphical browser and was developed in 1993. I don't know about you, but it seems to me that 1993 was not so long ago. My impression is that the internet, and making money with an online home based business, is not that old and that there is a lot of room for growth. The problem is not how little money a new online business makes when starting up. This should be the one thing that you least expect because you have no control over how much money you will make, you don't even have a business yet! The real question should be how to get quality internet traffic. Here is one suggestion that is neglected and will blow your mind!

How would you like to increase your website traffic three, five, or maybe even ten times overnight with one simple act? You are already getting some good quality hits from your website, right? If your website is presented in one language, have it interpreted. One language is not enough and the English speaking market that has long been the most prominent is becoming smaller and smaller. There are add on applications that will not only translate your web pages on the fly for you, but also create permanent translated pages that reside on your host for the next surfer that happens to come along and needs that translation. They contain all of the original internal and outgoing links. These pages will make your non-translated website look bigger and theoretically make it look more important to the search engines. What happens when your website looks more important to the search engines? The answer is higher placement, in this case for your keywords of choice, and more traffic. The search engines cannot treat it as duplicate content because it is in an entirely different language! Simple concept, isn't it?

Now think, what will happen every time you add a reciprocal link to your website? You will have multiple pages of link content in different languages, including your native language, feeding PR into your main page. Link pages show up on the internet too, right? The requests you are getting for link partners will explode because you will receive them, not only from your native language, but others who can now read your link pages who could not previously as well. Of course, you will have to translate them to your native language to understand them, but do you get the picture? The lack of a language barrier means that you will not be able to use this excuse to deny a link request just because you cannot read it.

Article writing is fast becoming the preferred method of creating quality one way links to your website. Imagine a website that translates its content. Again, because the language barriers have been broken through translation, more readers will be reading your articles. Of course, in the case where the article page is actually translated and generates a new page, the pr of that article directory will shoot up due to the additional content. Now, think of those who have their own article directory and list their home page as a sponsor. The internal links back to the home page are increased by the number of translated pages. Multiply the number of articles in your article directory by the number of languages used by readers and you will have more than just a couple of thousand internal links, you could have tens of thousands!

Translation of your web pages will increase your advertising income for text based advertisements like Google Adsense. I do not think they have figured out a way to translate a banner yet, but text advertisements will get more exposure because more people will be able to read them. Again the impact of this is huge if you take into consideration all of the ads you have placed on your web pages, especially the internet and article directories that have so many web pages.

The World Wide Web is called that for a reason, however that does not mean that everything should be written and read in one language. If you hadn't noticed, the language of the internet in Asian languages is growing exponentially because of the growth occurring in China. Don't be left out! Translate your home based business website and you will be a part of an international phenomenon called the internet. Your online home based business might just make some money.

Leonard Bartholomew, B.S. Computer Science, is an affiliate marketer for an organization that has been in business for more than six years. Find all of the elements of an extraordinarily simple online home based business opportunity at Blog58583
Estrellita Blog2990

Write A Super Bowl Ad: No Writing Skills Needed?!?

I want to make this point crystal clear: if you write a Super Bowl ad and it gets produced and shown on the big game down in Florida, your life will be in jeapordy.


Because the people in the ad business that live and breathe advertising have desperately wanted to accomplish that their entire careers.

Writing a Super Bowl ad is their Mount Everest.

And if you come in and actually, I mean, actually write a Super Bowl ad that we end up seeing, and you're not in the business...well, I just can't even think about it.

*But I'm still a bit miffed at some of them so here's something they don't want you to know ...*



'Writing' a Super Bowl Ad is 95% about dreaming up a great idea and then 5% making sure you have one great line at the end of the idea.

That's right people. The 'writing' aspect that most people fear ISN'T really writing at all. What you'll be doing is called...

..conctpting. Much, much different than writing. And that's why the NFL Write a Super Bowl ad contest is VERY winnable by someone outside of the advertising world!

Writing a book is writing. Writing for CNN is writing. Writing commercials the rest of the year is writing (arguably).

But 'writing' a Super Bowl ad is about you dreaming up a killer idea for a brand. You, and a cup of Earl Grey, or a frosty beer, and a set of pads and a Sharpie.

What you'll be 'writing' on your pad will look a lot like this:

"Joe Montana walks into a bar
in the old West. He notices
a skunk at the bar...(MORE HERE)"

Or like this...

"The guy who laces up all the
footballs for the Super Bowl
is missing and his family
thinks...(MORE HERE)"


"The grocery store is boarded up.
The bowling alley is empty...
The airport is closed...
Why...because...(MORE HERE)"

These are scenarios. They are the theater os the Super Bowl spot that you will write. There's no mechanics to them at this point. There is idea concepting.

Don't get me's very hard. But this is about you wring a Super Bowl ad, so suffer through it.

Write down as many concepts as you can. Then short list them. Then be brutal on your ideas and narrow them down to 4 Not 3...four. Everyone does the Rule of Three, but you're trying to be a copywriter...and copywriters do things differently.

Give yourself the time to keep knocking your best ad off its perch (constantly put better and better ads in its place.)

Then, and only after you are convinced that you have written a Super Bowl ad worthy of being produced, do you need to go in and write a line of COPY that ties everything back to the brand...(or in this case for the NFL).

I'll bet you never, ever thought writing a Super Bowl ad involved so little actual writing, did you?

Still don't know how to get the idea out but know you've got a great one? Contact me with your specifics, and I'll help. I'll add your questions and my answers to my web site and we'll call it even. or visit my site:

Kevin Browne is a twenty year Madison Avenue copywriter and Group Creative Director. He has produced over 200 television and radio commercials while working at esteemed agencies such as J. Walter Thompson, McCann Erickson, and Young and Rubicam, all in New York. Fania Blog96714
Ertha Blog41277

Guerrilla Headlines

Headlines are used in ads, commercials, telemarketing calls, direct mail letters, websites, sales presentations and more. Can you write great ones?

Every guerrilla destined for marketing victories knows very well that if you have ten hours to spend creating a marketing weapon, you should spend nine of them creating the headline. It's the first impression you make, often the only impression, and the rest of your marketing weapon will live or die by the quality of that headline.

Don't think that just because you don't run print ads your headline is not important. Another way of thinking about a headline to think of it as the first thing you say to prospects. Wise marketing people have said that you should picture yourself knocking on someone's door which is then opened by a very busy person. You can say one thing before that person slams the door in your face or opens it widely and invites you in. You have the opportunity tell your whole story in one line or to say something so intriguing that the prospect will want to hear more.

You'll have this opportunity in print ads to be sure, but also with first lines of TV spots and radio commercials, with opening lines of letters and postcards, with first statements made by sales reps or telemarketers, in brochures and on websites, in yellow pages ads and sales videos, in classified ads and infomercials, at trade shows and catalogs. People will decide to read or hear your message or to ignore you completely. It all depends on your headline. If your headline is a loser, you have three strikes against you when you step up to the plate. Lotsa luck!

All guerrillas on earth are delighted that technology now makes marketing easier than ever, that websites enable them to market with even more fervor, that new software lets them create dynamite marketing materials right in their own offices -- but they never lose sight of the fundamentals and headlines are the cornerstone. It's the headline that dictates your positioning in your prospects' minds and it's the headline that will attract either attention or apathy. Nothing you say to a prospect is more important.

In print, you have one line to get that attention. On radio or TV, you have three seconds, and you have those same three seconds with any sales presentations or telemarketing calls. Win attention and interest during that brief period or you won't win it later. There will be no later.Now that I've alerted you as to the importance of headlines, here are 20 hints to help you create winning ones:

1. Know that your headline must either convey an idea or intrigue the reader or listener into wanting to learn more.

2. Speak directly to the reader or listener, one at a time, even if 20 million people will be exposed to your message.

3. Write your headline in newsy style.

4. Use words that have the feeling of an important announcement.

5. Test headlines that start with the word "announcing."

6. Test headlines that use the word "new."

7. Put a date in your headline.

8. Feature your price, if you're proud of it, in your headline.

9. Feature your very easy payment plan.

10. Announce a free offer and use the word "free."

11. Offer information of value right in your headline.

12. Start to tell a fascinating story; guerrillas know that marketing really is the truth made fascinating.

13. Begin your headline with the words, "How to."

14. Begin your headline with "why," "which," "you," "this" or "advice."

15. Use a testimonial style headline.

16. Offer the reader a test.

17. Use a huge one-word headline.

18. Warn the reader not to delay buying.

19. Address your headline to a specific person; every day there are specific individuals who want exactly what you are offering.

20. Set your headline in the largest type on the page and start your verbal presentations right with the headline.

If the reader or listener isn't stopped by your headline, they'll move onto something else that does stop them. After all, they're looking to be stopped by something and if it's not your message it will be someone else's. Headlines and opening lines are your initial bonds to your prospects. And never forget for one second that what you say is the manner in which you say it. Bend over backwards to be believed. Boring and indirect headlines sabotage thoughtful copy and brilliant graphics every day of the year, including Christmas.

Stupendous offers are not accepted by a ready public because the headline or opening line fell down on the job. There are far more terrible headlines than great ones in every edition of every newspaper and magazines. In such an atmosphere, guerrillas thrive. They love when others run headlines that are cutsie pie and off the point. They are enthralled when competitors run ads that draw attention away from the prime offering because a copywriter wanted to make a pun or get a laugh.

But you can be sure their own headlines always get noticed, generate readership, attract responses, and result in profits. Although a company cannot achieve greatness solely based upon their headlines and opening lines, without solid first impressions, its growth will be seriously impeded. Your job may be to create headlines or to judge them. It is one of your most important tasks.

Mitch Meyerson is the author of Success Secrets of the Online Marketing Superstars (Dearborn Trade 2005) and three acclaimed psychology books. Get your free marketing jumpstart kit at Blog57616
Florry Blog50680

Kansas City Schools Diverse And Unique Programs

Kansas City Schools are sensitive to the needs of its students. Not only is the goal of academic success encouraged, the school system is also giving attention to the needs of its students who require extra attention. These students needs are addressed through programs such as PE4Life, Homeless Student Services, and the Missouri Schools Comprehensive Guidance Program.

Kansas City Schools have a mission in which the goals are to work in partnership with parents and the community and to produce students who have the knowledge, skills and abilities to develop the necessary attitude to become life-long learners with capacity for leadership and service. Students who are enrolled in Kansas City Schools will be productive and responsible citizens capable of successfully competing in a changing global society. All school districts have a mission statement, and Kansas City Schools are no different. The vision of the leaders for all Kansas City Schools states that the district is the premier school district in Missouri, and is recognized as the most valuable asset of the community, delivering quality education and thriving on diversity.

Lincoln Middle School recently launched the PE4Life program. PE4life is a national advocacy, not-for-profit organization whose mission is to develop a country of active, healthy and academically-prepared children and youth by increasing access to quality physical education solutions. PE4life imparts the knowledge, skills, and inspiration for children to adopt a lifetime of physical activity, health and well-being. The goal of the Indianapolis Schools PE4 Life program is to help schools implement a quality, health-and-wellness-based PE program expected to improve fitness levels, which will, in turn, enhance academic performance.

Lincoln Middle School now has the latest technology in the field at the schools fitness center, including heart rate monitors, interactive fitness equipment such as Dance Dance Revolution, SportWalls, leading-edge strength and cardiovascular equipment and a traverse climbing wall.

Kansas City Schools are currently coordinating homeless student services, in compliance with a state law. The Homeless Student Services assures that homeless students are provided the same free public education as other children. Kansas City Schools have over 1,000 homeless students enrolled. Services include:

1. Immediate enrollment of homeless children and youth and assistance obtaining academic and medical records,

2. Provide and or arrange school transportation to any Kansas City Schools of choice,

3. The circulation of public notice of educational rights of homeless children and youth,

4. Arrange special tutoring and education services for students outside school,

5. Assist families in obtaining medical insurance and services, and

6. Coordinate Kansas City Schools related activities with homeless shelters and agencies.

Kansas City Schools participate in the Missouri Schools Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Services program. This Kansas City Schools program emphasizes a process in which the school counselor provides a safe, nurturing environment to foster a trusting relationship with students. Students can explore their feelings and experiences in a confidential relationship.

As you can see, Kansas City Schools offer various and unique programs to students who need them.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit Blog68376
Vitoria Blog89634

Change Management for Your Brand

An Ongoing Process for Advertising Managers and Marketers

Things change. In fact, everything changes. Sometimes in a matter of minutes. Sometimes slowly and imperceptibly. But regardless of effort, resources, management or absolute control, things change. The discipline of change management helps business executives to ensure that change works to their advantage.

Yet, frequently change management practices stop short of considering the impact that change has on one of your most important assets your companys brand. Recognizing that fact and responding to the manifestations of change with intelligent action is what separates the successful brand from the soon-to-be-forgotten product or service brand.

Maybe thats too blunt, too harsh. Perhaps we should say things evolve and pursue a more palatable approach to facing the challenges our customers, our competitors and our marketplace present. I doubt it.

While it may appear that there is plenty of time, no real threat or no urgent need to revisit your brand promotion strategies, the fact is, each and every day your competitors are looking for a way to unravel your positioning, dismiss your unique advantages and rob you of your market share.

If you enjoy brand recognition or brand advantage, a periodic fresh look at your brand is crucial. Change happens; successful companies recognize when their brand requires more than a business as usual approach. They begin with customer-focused positioning and messaging. Then they monitor and measure their brand and brand promotion strategies in key areas, such as:

- Validating language with their target audiences and monitoring their success in communicating those key messages

- Testing creative executions and adjusting as necessary

- Watching closely how their target audiences are responding to their advertising, both quantitatively and qualitatively

- Going where their customers go. They explore, they measure and they explore some more.

This is not intended as a scare tactic. In fact, this shouldnt be scary at all at least not for those advertisers and their advertising agencies that are following a prudent process that checks for the need of more aggressive branding change management measures.

Yet, it never ceases to amaze me how little well-established enterprises know about their customer base. While they can trot out statistics on sales volume, cost per lead and the like, they are often unaware of the underlying motivations that drive these people to act in their favor or dismiss them all together. They havent yet made it past the occasional customer satisfaction survey possibly their sole view into the hearts and minds of their customers.

In the pursuit of building brand value and generating greater ROI, successful brands not only adapt to change, they anticipate it, and they respond, re-positioned if necessary, to capitalize on it. They change manage their brand.

The more unique your owned advantage is, the better it will hold up over time. Change management practices should extend to your brand promotion strategies. Practices such as measuring how your brand performs and observing the impact of change to your brand promotion strategies are key. Great campaigns often have great longevity. But nothing lasts forever.

Dan Stokes, is Executive Vice President of J. Stokes & Associates Advertising, Learn from others in the J. Stokes Advertising Case Studies section, Blog95372
Felita Blog74340

Make Money Online by Building Momentum

The past month has been a very successful one for my online business in terms of traffic going up, number of new affiliates going up, and money in my pocket getting heavier. This really inspires me because after admitting to being lazy about my business over the hot summer months, I am just slowly starting to get back into the swing of things. I am just slowly starting to return to my daily to-do list after having made it more manageable and motivating for me to complete on a daily basis. I am not fully back where I should be in terms of work I need to be doing, and yet, it was my most profitable month ever. I have to say this really motivates me to work even harder, and be more consistent if I really want to make money online. I've realized that you can do this too by building your business momentum.

Many people who want to make money online start a new program with the hope that they will make millions overnight. This just isn't realistic no matter what some online business owners may tell you. I've seen the effects that building momentum can have on your business. I've been through some ups and downs and everyone will experience these. But if you give up on your online business even before a year has passed, you don't even have the chance to get the momentum going, or see that next upward swing in your results, and it will come if you put the time and effort in!

Let me explain by example what I mean by building momentum so that you can make money onlineThere are four ways I have done this, which are: Forum posting; Article writing; Blog posting; and Link generating.

Forum posting means that you join some discussion forums on business related topics, or topics related to whatever your website is about. It's free to join these forums, and a great way to get yourself into a community of other people who are doing exactly what you are doing. You can share ideas, ask questions, look for information, help others, make new friends, and find out what all the top dogs are up to. At first you may think this is not at all really vital to your business and a waste of time. Well, think again! I have made sales simply from offering helpful advice in forums after someone followed my signature link to my site.

A friend of mine who frequents a fishing forum told me that people won't even pay attention to you unless you have made over 500 posts. I thought he was full of it, until I had 500 posts, advanced in my status, and then had 1000+ posts. Believe me, people will pay attention to your posts the more you have because they can see that you have been around for a while and must know what you're talking about. This isn't to say you should go and spam the forums. That is a no-no! Make useful contributions to the forums and offer something of value on a consistent basis, and you will be building momentum for your business through forum posting.

Article writing is the next way I have built momentum for my business. Again, this is something you don't do overnight not if you write your own original articles like I do. This is one of the best ways to advertise your business these days. Provide an article with useful information, and submit it to an article distribution service that will distribute your article to thousands of publishers with your online business links at the end in the author bio-box. You'll be amazed at how fast your links get dispersed around the net One-way links pointing back to your site! I have also found that the more articles you write, the more of an authority you become in your niche. The more articles you have to your name, the more people will realize that you have something valuable to offer, you can be trusted, and your readers may decide you're worth buying from.

Similar to article writing is blog posting. The more frequent your posts, the more traffic you will get to your site. I recently found a tool on the net that allows you to type in your blog address to get a monetary value of what your blog is worth. Now I have posted my own articles, as well as other people's articles to my blog, and have added special news and reports in addition to that. According to the value I got for my blog, I need to beef up my blog even more! Obviously this takes time, and that is my point when I refer to "building momentum". If you quit early on, you will never have the chance to make your online business work for you or make money online.

Finally, link generating is another means I have used to build momentum for my business. The search engines don't even like it if you gather links too quickly because they see it as a deliberate attempt to get a link back to your site. It is recommended that you gather links slowly, maybe 10-15 new links per week, and you want thousands of links pointing back to your site! This, too, will take time, and over time, you will see your link popularity grow if you continue to gather links by writing articles, posting your URL to the link directories, linking to the internal pages on your own site, commenting on blogs, posting in forums, and so on.

Building momentum means taking the time, and making the consistent effort to build your business. It means not giving up pre-maturely, thinking nothing is working for you, and that you are not making any money online. If you take consistent action over time by posting in forums, writing original articles, making frequent posts to your blog, and getting as many quality links pointing back to your site, then have what it takes to make money online!

Liane Bate owns a Plugin Profit Site web business, and is a member of Success University and the IAHBE. Visit: and Blog50680
Vinny Blog64004

Starting an Internet Business on a Budget

I sometimes meet new Internet marketers on various forums, and they want to earn a decent living online, however, most of them have only the slightest ideas on where to start, and most are not willing or able to invest much money in an online business. Trouble is, it is almost impossible to start an Internet business without spending some money. Theres web hosting for a start. However, heres a rough guide on how to build an Internet business starting with nothing.

If you have no money to start off your online business, you can earn some capital using your already existing skills or knowledge. You can give tuition to students on your best subject in school or college, you can teach others about your hobby, you can write guides on knowledge or skills you picked up through experience that cant be found in books.

The first thing to do is make a list of your skills. What skills do you have? (What do you mean - none? Of course you have!) If, for example, youve been running a home for the past few years, you have skills in organizing, (trips, parties, healthy lunchboxes etc.) childcare, budgeting to name just a few. You might also (perhaps through your job or from your hobbies) have an interest in languages? It is vital to list skills or knowledge that you have and that could possibly be in demand by other people.

For example, lets say you love fly-fishing and you do it every day after work. You could build your Internet business on writing a guide to fly-fishing. There you are, that wont cost you a cent! Maybe youre good at writing stories or were good at essays at school. Copywriting is a very useful tool, and good copywriters are always in demand. There is always some mundane job that people don't want to do, but maybe you can do it. One persons mundane is anothers exciting!

Another way to go is through affiliate marketing. Many internet marketers start out this way, and many of the really successful ones keep doing it. It can pay really big dividends if you know where and how to advertise. It works on the principle that when you get someone to sign up under you, you get paid a certain amount if that person buys the product being sold. If its a paid membership site, you get paid a percentage of those members monthly fees for as long as they remain a member. You can be a member of as many affiliate sites as you like, so you have the opportunity to make a very good living this way, so go for it!

©Marie Byrne 2007Fallon Blog44071
Fania Blog96714

Is Your Advertising Legal?

Internet marketing is crucial to any internet business. There are many different internet marketing strategies, but it is important to pick the internet marketing idea that best fits your business. Internet marketing can end up being the difference between success or failure for your internet business. With the fierce competition between internet businesses, internet marketing is arguably one of the most important facets of your company.

When you are trying to find internet marketing strategies and internet marketing ideas, it is extremely important to remember that your internet marketing needs to be legal. For instance, one fantastic internet marketing idea is internet marketing through the use of email addresses. You can find email addresses all over the internet, and then through internet marketing, advertise your product by mass email. The only problem with this internet marketing technique is that this specific type of internet marketing is called spam. Most people are very familiar with this type of spam internet marketing because this internet marketing takes up half the room in their email inboxes. This type of internet marketing is also illegal, and illegal internet marketing could get your business into trouble. In light of this internet marketing problem, it is important that all of your internet marketing be legal. You can research which internet marketing techniques are allowed and which internet marketing techniques are not. Being armed with a lot of internet marketing information will help your internet marketing to be a success and not an internet marketing nightmare!

After you have found safe and legal internet marketing ideas, always remember that internet marketing is crucial to the success of your business, and employ your internet marketing skills as often as possible. The advantage of an internet business is that you can do your internet marketing yourself without hiring an internet marketing expert if you wish. Knowledge in internet marketing is the best way to ensure that your internet marketing is successful as well as legal internet marketing.

Laurie Raphael operates a website promoting multiple streams of residual income. For online success, visit her site at: http://www.ProcessToSucceed.comFatima Blog16229
Fawne Blog1380

Why Is Content King On The Internet?

The reason the internet was created was to share information. People still use the internet to share information or to find out information. And what is information? Information is content - so, content is king.

There are two ways to gather information on the internet. One way is free and the other way is paid information. Whatever you offer on the internet is done with information, whether you are talking about the value of your site, or your product.

Your selling price for information, or content, is determined by the person that is seeking your information. In other words, how much is a person willing to pay for the information that you have? How much it costs to put together the information does not show you the value. The value only comes through the people that are willing to buy.

For example, if I sent you an e-mail and I said that I had a link to some valuable resources that you would be interested in, would it be worth a few dollars to know the information now or would you rather spend a lot of time finding it for yourself?

With hard products the value is determined by the cost to create and manufacture this product. For example, if you were selling golf clubs the price would be determined by how much it costs to manufacture them plus any overhead costs and shipping.

Some people in the internet have membership sites which charge a monthly fee simply to be informed about new resources on the internet. The reason it is a value to the members is because it saves time. Most information you can find available for free. The value comes into play because it saves you so much time and effort on your part. What is your time worth?

What does it cost to go to college today? What are you getting from a college education? What are you actually getting for your money?

A college education is the passing of information (content) from one person to another.

Now you can be a college of your niche or topic. Now you can give your students, visitors, subscribers and your customers valuable information they need and charge them accordingly. With good content you can earn money. For example, if you have a web site or a blog you can have paid advertising and therefore you can earn money with free content. Web sites, blogs, newsletters, press releases and free reports can all be used to generate traffic which means you have a following and a subscriber base.

With good information, content, you can actually make money selling your own or other people's products. For example, e-books, ecourses, and even teleseminars. The nature of the internet shows that a web site should provide the visitors with information. The better the information, the more money you can charge for it. Your web site can be one page or it can have multiple pages. You can set up a one page web site by using one article, several articles or even a sales letter.

If you want visitors to come to your web site, give them great information. If they want additional information you can exchange the information for the subscribers name and e-mail address. And for those that want even more information they can purchase this information from you. Just make sure you are giving them great information that they can use so they will come back time and time again.

When you promote your web site make sure you provide information that is interesting to the reader and makes them want more. For an example, use articles, press releases and free reports - just make sure it's good information or entertaining content.

If you want the search engine spiders to be interested in your web site make sure the information that you're giving is interesting and relevant to your topic or niche. This is very important.

Fresh content will give visitors a reason to return to your site plus it'll keep the search engine spiders interested in your site. You want both to keep coming back.

People will start out visiting your site as a visitor or prospect, then they will become subscribers and customers, and if they really like you they will tell others about your web site, blog, newsletter or e-zine. When people really like the information that you're providing for them they will start promoting you. Now you have a viral affect going on. This is a good thing. The more people sharing your information around, the more visitors and traffic you will get.

The better your content, the more valuable your content is in many ways.

Jeff Wark is a niche internet marketer who developed a system to quickly and easily create original content. To receive a free ecourse on optimizing your content, visit Blog89042
Filide Blog28104

Dreaming Of A Web Business? Do You Have What It Takes?

After many months of worrying, searching, and procrastinating you finally decide to take the plunge. Are you ready for this?

Heres what I found you absolutely need to start and run a successful small business on the Web.

Deceptively Simple

If you are reading this, you can obviously navigate on the Web. You also have a more than passing interest for the subject clearly stated in the title of this article.

Furthermore, I would be willing to bet that you can already use your personal computer to create written documents, such as emails, or a more elaborate document, such as your personal resume (curriculum vitae).

You may even be using your computer to do your budget, for all I know.

Intuitively, you know you will need a Web site to market your Web business. You believe that you should know something about how to build a Web site that will serve the purposes of the small business you are planning to start.

This is where most people hesitate, or even drop the idea of a business on the Web. They think they need to hire expensive web site creators, and Web designers, to do what they think they cannot achieve.

Some forge on blindly and fall for the many easy solutions that are constantly being offered on the Web. Try our easy to use free templates, and just fill in the blanks. Presto! You have a Web site! Need content? No problem! Just subscribe to our free articles blahblahblah.

Yeah! Sure! But, will your Web site be a suitable marketing instrument for your business? Will it be an extension of yourself? Will it represent you, or someone elses efforts?

How are you going to be able to tell? You know (deep down) that you ignore practically everything about how to use the Web technologies to

Validate your business idea,
Research the best way to exploit it to its maximum potential,
And ensure the success of your small business.

The get rich quick, its easy (GRQ) crowd remain conspicuously silent on these vital issues!

Keep your eyes and critical mind open!

Be on the constant lookout for openly revealed answers that ring true and logical to you. Stay away from secret recipes. Use your own judgment to determine where the true solution lies. You have more common sense than you think. Dont be afraid to use it! Its in you best interest to exercise due diligence.


You need to know the basic marketing techniques and strategies for the Web. They are very different from the ones you would successfully use on land! Seek competent advice on this.

Remember! The most reliable advice need not be the most expensive!

Look for reputable, knowledgeable people who have a vested interest in your success. They will want you to succeed because your success will be contributing to their success. These experts work for themselves as well as for you. Therefore, they do not charge extra for the privilege of contributing to your endeavor, and making your efforts worthwhile. It will be worth their while too, in the long run. They know it. So should you.


Look for the guarantee behind the GRQ schemes. You will find none, of course.

If you dont believe you need a guarantee, think again! You are new to this business of starting a Web business. You a running the risk of failing, without appropriate and reliable help and support. You stand to lose your desire, perhaps forever! That would be a sorry mistake to make.

Keep searching until you find a solution provider that will openly guarantee results, if you follow their plan or your money back!. You will know, then, that you will have found a solution worth looking into seriously.

You just have to use your brain, common sense, and your motivation to keep looking further, below the surface (apparently easy solutions).


You will have to work at it. That should not come as a surprise. You did not really believe that its possible to build a successful business without you contributing some level of effort, did you?

Just make sure your efforts are well supported by reliable expert guidance, and everything will turn out just fine given time, and your active participation, of course! You dont have to become one the many misguided start-ups that fail miserably, because they failed to do their homework!

You will have to be strong to resist the many temptations of promised easy way outs! Because, thats all they are. An easy way out of business!

Before you know it, time will have flashed by, and you will end up with a truly viable business. Your determined efforts will be rewarded, in more ways than one.


If you read somewhere that it takes passion to build a business, be it on the Web or elsewhere, believe it!

When you go to bed at night, and cant wait to get up in the morning to run your business, thats when you are well on your way toward a rewarding outcome.


You are considering a business on the Web. It does not require much money to start one. You will not be buying an existing one, nor will you be buying into one.

You will be building your Web business from scratch. It can even be done on a shoestring, if all your will be offering your clientele is your knowledge, your know-how, or your services. You are already warehousing that in your brain, for free!

You already have a computer, and an internet connection. No extra expenses there.

Most people will think, at this stage, that all they need next is a Web host for their business Web site. Dont make the same mistake!

You will need more than a Web hosting company. As I explained above, you will need the company of Web marketing experts to guide you through the first critical steps toward building a successful Web business, not just a Web site!

A few (rare) Web hosting firms will provide all the hand holding help you will need as part of the basic (not extra) services you will be paying for. They do it because they want to keep your business.

They want to be able to show you off as yet another success story to which they dutifully, and respectfully contributed.

My recommendation

Keep looking. Keep your eyes open for sharks. Keep a critical mind on full alert to distinguish between fools gold and the real stuff. Keep believing in your idea. Keep working at it. Above all, keep it real.

Keep your efforts honest. Do not try to fool yourself. You will be rewarded in spades!

Eventually, you will realize that you had what it takes, after all.

Claude Jollet is a former planning adviser to major industrial and commercial clients. He specialized in weather related operational planning issues. He holds a B.Sc. specializing in business process analysis and automation. He also taught Web Information Architecture to senior college students. He now devotes himself to the promotion of Web entrepreneurship through his Web site Blog44071
Filia Blog52926

Internet Marketing Or Network Marketing - Which Is Better?

When I interact with most online marketers, it's obvious that they view Internet marketing and network marketing as two separate and very distinct worlds. Proponents of either often act as if the other is something to be avoided like the plague.

I personally am involved in marketing for, and consulting with, companies in both worlds. I've discovered that there is a lot of overlap, and that there are techniques which work equally well in both worlds.

Let's briefly examine how they differ, and which is better.

Network marketing, or MLM, is very familiar to most people because we've all been approached by someone in the offline world who is doing it. We've been invited to meetings, or sat through presentations where they demonstrated what they did, and how it could mean financial independence for you.

I generally think of network marketing as:

- Being multiple-tiered - where you earn on the efforts of others that you recruit.

- Offering residual income, where you sell the product once, and then earn commissions each month as the customer reorders a consumable product.

- Utilizing auto-shipment, where the customer agrees to purchase a certain amount of the product or service each month... generally at a lower price that if it were a one-time purchase.

- Requiring lots of phone calls, meetings, and direct interaction with the customers.

- Allowing representatives to grow their businesses through duplicable systems where they just plug new representatives into a proven system.

I generally think of Internet marketing as:

- Utilizing a two-tiered (at most) payment plan. When you go beyond two-tiers the rules change dramatically for the program operator.

- Emphasizing earning commissions primarily on your own efforts although many super-affiliates also earn hefty second-tier commissions.

- Marketing primarily using email and websites, although RSS, broadcast calls, teleseminars, and even direct mail can fit into the picture. There is a movement towards using offline methods to drive business online.

- Often only offering one-time commissions on individual sales.

- Requiring very little direct customer interaction, although the most successful affiliate marketers focus more on interacting with customers and building relationships.

Which is better? Obviously, that's a loaded question with room for lots of differences in opinion.

Generally, whichever best serves YOUR customers needs is better for you.

Whichever offers your customers something that they can't buy cheaper at the local superstore obviously should sell better for you.

Long-term, lasting success in both isn't based upon throwing around big numbers, when you know that the average person probably won't achieve the level of success offered in the examples. That's because both depend upon how well your new "recruits" can utilize the system that you equip them with and the level of commitment that they have.

Both can offer residual income, and I personally do generate substantial residual income with both systems. Internet marketing offers residual income through products such as web hosting, membership sites, and product-of-the-month type sites.

An example of such a site is Dr. Mike Woo-Ming's Affiliate "Sales Letters" which offers affiliate marketers re-written sales letters for Clickbank products that otherwise would be poor sellers. This is an excellent example of a product that solves a problem, and offers to the affiliate/member a residual income. You can see how this works at:

Ordinary consumer products can also offer very nice residual income. In order to be a big success in the network marketing arena the product must offer unique advantages AND be priced competitively. Very often, you'll see products that are WAY over-priced, and they're that way because there is no real demand in the marketplace and the high commissions are what are used to "lure" unsavvy new distributors.

These unfortunate distributors are lured into businesses built on very shaky foundations. If you look in the right places though, you will find products that people want, that they are buying, and that you can offer at a competitive rate. Here are two examples:

1) Discount travel through YTB travel. This is a network marketing company that allows your customers to tap directly into one of THE BIGGEST online travel databases and book travel, reserve lodging, and reserve rental cars. Travelers get great deals, and you earn a commission on each referral booking that you make. You can see this incredible system in action at:

The url above is the one that I link to from a site that helps people locate Internet marketing seminars at: After they've located a "can't miss" seminar, it's natural for them to look for inexpensive travel and accommodations. Therefore, selling travel becomes effortless.

I offer the same travel booking service on a site where I help martial artists locate karate tournaments. Again, it is natural for site visitors to book their travel once they've located an event that they want to attend. You can see how I do this in the martial arts niche at:

This same method of marketing travel... selling an MLM product using "Internet marketing techniques" shows how the distinction can quickly become blurred.

Another product where I seamless blend Internet marketing and network marketing, with a product that sells itself, practically hands off, is... greeting cards.

I offer visitors to many of my consumer-type sites the ability to send real, printed greeting cards right over the Internet, for a fraction of the cost that they would pay in a card shop. They get the same quality of card, don't have to travel... brave the weather... fight the crowds, or even lick stamps. They just choose and compose the card, add any photo they desire, click send, and the card is in the mail, for around $1.50 TOTAL :-)

You can check out that slick setup, and see how effortless it really can be at:

Back to the question of which is better - Internet marketing or network marketing...

Both can actually be marketed the same way. You can market Internet marketing products via phone, fax, email, direct mail, or a website. You can do the same with network marketing products.

The bottom line is that the "want" for a product, and the availability of that product at a great price, are more important than method of selling. Which is better therefore depends upon which is a better match for you and your market. You can do very well with either. It's really just a matter of doing your research, finding a perfect market-to-product match, and then starting to actively build your dream business. You'll likely find yourself using a mixture of methods regardless of the product.

Copyright 2006 Willie Crawford

Willie Crawford has been teaching Internet marketing for over 9 years. Take advantage of his uncanny insights and unusual candor by subscribing to his free, information-packed newsletter. Also visit his top-rated blog. Do both at: Blog19629
Floris Blog42643

Marketing Ideas To Get Your Home Business To The Top

In the modern age, working from home almost inevitably means working with the internet. If you want to make your home based business into a successful money making business, you'll need to master the art of internet marketing. And with lots of competitors out there eager to beat you to the number one spot in the search engine rankings, you'll need to do more than work hard to create a successful money making business - you'll need to work smart.

Marketing your home based business depends, first and foremost, upon having something impressive for visitors to your business to see. When we're talking internet marketing, that means your website. When you work from home over the internet, your website is equivalent to the front of your office, the first thing which visitors encounter. Although you may also be trying to optimise your website content for search engines (for instance, by using lots of keywords relevant to your home based business), you must also make sure that it's attractive to human visitors, easy to navigate and simple to make purchases from.

When you've established the basic format of your website, consider adding a blog to it. Search engines approve of frequently changing content, so this can be a good way to boost your ratings. Your blog can be on any subject, but is most effectively used for you to talk about your home based business and help readers to feel involved with it at a personal level. This subtle form of internet marketing will encourage your customers to feel that you care about them. When you have positive personal communications with customers, ask if you can quote them on your site.

Once you've got your website set up, you're going to need to let people know it's out there. Your biggest disadvantage when you work from home is your comparative invisibility, but incisive internet marketing can change that. First an foremost, however, you should go through the more traditional network marketing process of making sure that your home based business is linked to all the major search engines and relevant directories. You can also try approaching other home based business owners who provide products and services complementary to your own (for instance, if you sell chocolates, you might look for someone who sells flowers within the same areas) and suggesting a link exchange to them, whereby you recommend each other's services.

One of the most effective forms of internet marketing is network marketing or affiliate marketing, whereby you join a scheme which enables you to exchange links with hundreds of other home based business owners. Network marketing will not only direct lots more traffic to your website, it will also help you to establish a money making business as you gain a residual income from the referrals you provide to other people, making money every time one of them makes a sale thanks to your promotion.

Another effective way to raise the profile of your home base business is through sponsorship. Many popular and well-established websites need sponsors and will provide you with good advertising and recommendations in return for relatively small outgoings. This form of internet marketing is often cheaper and more effective than traditional advertising. It also improves the reputation of your home based business, making you look like a philanthropist.

Internet marketing is easy when you get the hang of it, and you'll find that, the more you do, the more ideas you have. With a little hard work and perseverance you'll soon have a successful money making business with a widespread reputation. Your home based business will be a household name.

Seppo Lamsa is owner of and writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic Seppo recommends you visit: Blog28908
Vanessa Blog46343

Pay-per-click Marketing Strategy Can Boost Your Sales

Every business out there is competing hard with others offering like products or services, thanks to the way the world has opened up and provided consumers with access to many different resources. Thanks to the pay-per-click marketing strategy found across the internet, someone requiring a service in Canada can easily hire a business in Florida or a product manufactured in Colorado can reach an end user in Australia. This is great, because the opportunities for higher sales and income are vast, compared to previous decades where your business was only locally known or only popular in the surrounding cities.

Stiff competition, however, has also meant that anyone with a business needs to promote and market their company effectively, encouraging and enticing surfers to visit their site and hopefully purchase their product or service. Having a pay-per-click marketing strategy to make sure your website gets seen and receives plenty of hits is integral to your business's success, because if you're not receiving traffic to your site, you've got a seriously struggling venture on your hands.

There are plenty of ways to boost sales and promote your website these days. Information is the current trend in tempting surfers to click links and reach your site. Articles posted on your website that teach people something new or give them pertinent information are helpful to draw in clientele. Press releases can also be effective to bringing attention to your business or company. Thanks to the way that individuals quickly turn to computers and the internet for their information, the written word and fundamental text has become the strongest venue to drawing in business.

Pay-per-click or PPC advertising is another growing method of boosting hits to your website. This principle of marketing is a venture of cooperation between websites, as you ask other sites to display a link for your website. When individuals are attracted to an ad displayed on a website, they click to follow the link through to your business portal. The company advertising your link receives income that you supply. In effect, this pay-per-click marketing strategy is paying someone to promote your company.

For someone adept with computers and having great interpersonal and negotiation skills, pay-per-click can be set up by an individual. Most people, however, don't have the know-how or the time to work through the steps needed to set up this type of advertising. The best thing to do is to hire a PPC consulting firm that has all the resources and networking skills to build an effective promotion program. Not only that, hiring a pay-per-click consulting firm means that you don't have to worry about links on dead sites, maintenance or creating a catchy advertisement.

Companies devoted to PPC consulting will work with you to develop a strong pay-per-click marketing strategy to know what product or service you're trying to sell. From there, they'll define your market target and develop surveys to help with the set-up of the promotion program. Once they've achieved result from these surveys, pay-per-click consulting firms will create advertisement that reaches the people you want it to and test the results. Revisions are sure to come into play, and businesses geared to pay-per-click consulting will compare their marketing against solid results. Considering the amount of work involved in this type of promotion, you certainly don't want to go less than the full distance by trying to set up pay-per-click advertising yourself.

Reputable consulting firms that specialize in creating a pay-per-click marketing strategy for businesses are ones that are geared to website promotion. Every type of industry has experienced and skilled experts and the common jack-of-all-trades individual won't be able to pull off such an intensive networking to boost your sales. If you're serious about a successful business, you should hire companies that provide exactly what you need and you'll soon be able to see that the cost of their time and efforts pays for itself over and over again as your sales increase.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Vertical Measures. Vertical Measures is an Internet Marketing Company that offers quality pay-per-click consulting for your business. For more information, please visit Blog8965
Ethel Blog63132

Engaging in a Profitable Home Business

Not all home based business are profitable. Many of those who tried setting up a home based business found themselves at a loss and ended up closing down. Engaging in a profitable home business requires skills and a lot of patients, not to mention funds that can be used a capital. However, if you do you homework and invest enough time, effort and capital into your business, chances are you will reap some profits a few months after.

What can be considered profitable home business? Depending on you skills and present circumstances, you can always find a profitable home business that is suited for you. They key to finding this business is to take an inventory of what you have in terms of skills and resources. After conducting your inventory of what you have, study you target market. You might ask, what is a target market? Despite the somewhat intimidating term, target market simply mean the people whom you think will buy the goods or services you want to offer. So your task is identify these people who will serve as your market and find out their buying habits. Why do you need to know their buying habits? You are selling goods and services right? If you are selling or offering something, you should have a working knowledge as to how much and how often your target will buy such goods or services you will offer. For instance, if you are offering gardening services, you should be able to identify people who have gardens, what plants they want to have in their gardens and at what time of the year can you expect to sell your services to them.

After identifying your target market, identify your competitors. Your competitors could be your gauge as to how profitable the industry is. If there are many competitors who are doing really well in their business, you can safely say that this is a profitable home business. Usually, where most of your competitors are doing really well, this is an indication that there is still some room for you to start a business of the same nature.

What about the pricing of good of services, how does one go about it? The price of your goods and services play a big role in the success of your business. In order to have profitable home business, you should know the price, which your target market is willing to pay for your goods and services. Again, you gauge for your prices could be your competitors. Find out how much your competitors are charging their customers and compare their prices. If you are new and relatively unknown, it would be a good idea to peg your prices lower than those of the established businesses. People love good services but they also like to pay less for it so if you want to get into the boat of a profitable home business, start with lower prices.

Home Based Business Resources:
Wilken Yau is the internet business owner, he is eager to help people to launch a successful Internet home business, to learn more about him, read his blog - http://you-earn-i-earn.blogspot.comFedora Blog22439
Evania Blog95034

The 12-Question Formula You Must Use When Choosing A Home-Based Business, Part II

Copyright 2006 Monique Hawkins

As we discovered in part one of this two article series, there is a 12-step question formula that all home-based business opportunity seekers must ask when investigating business opportunities. We all know that all that glitters is not gold! We want to avoid scams at all costs. We also want to find a work at home opportunity that is legitimate and can bring in significant income.

Are there any home-based opportunities that can meet these needs? Sure, but you have to do careful research. If you use this 12-question formula to separate the good opportunities from the bad, and find that the answer is "yes", to most of these questions, great! You can rest assure you have stumbled onto a red-hot program that has the power to make you lots of money! That said; let's discover what the final 6 questions to ask are for this 12-question formula.

#7. Find out if you can make huge sums of money without selling anything. Is this possible? Yes! There are business opportunities out that do not involve selling. This works primarily if the business uses a powerful Direct Response Marketing approach. The beauty of this approach is that it attracts all the right people and turns away the wrong ones. Folks are bought into the home-based business system automatically! Direct Response Marketing also eliminates the biggest objections, educates people about the major advantages of a product or service, and best of all, it makes people want to buy now! Therefore, finding an opportunity like this is crucial.

#8. Discover if the work at home opportunity offers help, support, and guidance from experts with a proven track record of making millions of dollars. This will require some research. It's safe to say that many opportunities will fail miserably in this area. However, if such a home business opportunity is found, your chance of success will be very high.

#9. Check to see if the company offers long-term opportunity. In other words, is the system the company has in place designed to make people money for the next 10, 20, and even 30 years? Avoid opportunities that sound golden, but will lose their glitter very quickly.

#10. Determine whether the home-based business opportunity can produce automatic income. It is useless to become involved in a business opportunity that will take months before any results or income can be seen. Why? People will usually become discouraged and quit if efforts are not rewarded in a timely manner. Avoid opportunities that will take months before any type of cash reward will be seen.

#11. Always ask if the start up is easy. If it will take three months to start up the business, why even become involved?

#12. This could be the most important question. Never forget to ask if there is an exit strategy. This is not being negative at all. On the contrary, it is being smart! Remember, there are no guarantees in life and business; things can and do change. Thus, it is always smart and never negative to have a back up plan or exit strategy.

Starting a business from home is a dream that many people have. However, one does not want to make a decision blindly and without careful thought and consideration. You can't go wrong when using this twelve-step question formula!

Monique Hawkins is the small business owner of the online music box store, "Monique's Music Box" located at She enjoys sharing information with business owners that will help them attain success. For additional exciting information about how Funded Sponsoring Franchise Systems are Revolutionizing the Home Based Business Industry, Whether You Have a Business or You're Looking for One, visit http://moniquerh.payitforward4profits.comVerina Blog35614
Frannie Blog21309

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Advertising Market from a South African Perspective

Advertising and marketing in the South African market is one of the toughest in the entire world, just for starters 22 different languages can be identified in our market. You might say this is common in many countries the world over. But do they have 11 official languages as is the case in South Africa.

Capturing a broad market in South Africa is virtually impossible unless you have an internationally acclaimed product, something that has built up a reputation overseas either in the USA or European markets. This is not to say our own big brands have not captured a broad South African audience or an international market but they a few and far between.

Our advertising and marketing techniques in South Africa must be simple yet effective if a broad customer base is to be achieved. Many South African advertising and marketing gurus are applying international principles to our market, wrong thing to do in my opinion. The basics, but add the South African flavour if you wish to succeed. Our biggest market in this country is largely illiterate and of a lower income so using expansive techniques to advertise and market your wares is generally not a good idea.

Proper market research for your products is essential, target a market and research every angle from language to demographics. If you have an excellent product made and produced in your country don't think this is a winning recipe in other countries. Do not expect that a pizza delivered in a box and a truly American way of doing things will work for a customer base in Iceland for example.

By all means promote pizza's in Iceland but ask your market how they want it delivered. Advertisers and marketing experts often forget this very simple marketing tools. Ask your market what they want, ultimately they are the ones buying the products.

Using opinion leaders in South Africa to create brand awareness is an essential tool to promote your products, this does come at a huge price and is usually out of reach for the small to medium business sectors. Creating good solid brands that are directed at a specific target market is often considered as not worth the cost.

Managers rely on hunches or intuition when designing their marketing mix. In the absence of feedback from their customers, they sometimes institute practises that customers object to. Over time, the customer base begins to erode and the business collapses.

Knowing your product and target market inside out is a great start to creating brand awareness.

Andrew SmitFey Blog14255
Vinni Blog95587

Resell Rights: The Quickest Way To Your Own Online Business

Right now there are probably millions of people around the world trying to make a living online; their numbers are increasing by the day, and with good reason. When you consider all its advantages there's no doubt that selling online is just about the perfect start-up business opportunity. You can get going with little or no start-up capital and if you specialise in electronically delivered information products you need not tie up any money in physical stocks of product. Remember too, that e-mail and website marketing is practically free when compared with traditional print and broadcast media. Most importantly of all, perhaps, your online store can be open 24/7, the year round, taking automated orders from millions of potential customers worldwide.

Sp doesn't it sound as though it should be a cinch to set up a little online business and wait for the money to roll in while you head for the beach or the golf course? Truth be told, that's not a lazy man's fantasy, but a way of life that's real and attainable. And there are many living it right now. Sadly though, there are also many hopeful newbies who not only are not making any money, or making very little, but are actually losing it. There can be many reasons for this, ranging from purely technical problems to weak sales copy and the good news is that these are usually easily soluble either with a little work and research on your own part, or with the help of the many professionals who offer these services.

But there's one mistake that's always and invariably fatal to your business - no exceptions. That's when you bring to the market a product which the market doesn't want. Now let's be very clear here. It doesn't matter how good you think your product is; or how much your partner or best friends like it. The market rules. And if the market says it sucks, it sucks. And neither the sum of advertising expertise on Madison Avenue nor the hottest direct marketing copywriter in the world will save it for you.

In case you still doubt this key point, let me give you an example from British industry. Back in the 1980s one of our best known inventor entrepreneurs was Sir Clive Sinclair. In the days before PCs he had made his name and a great deal of money as the developer of one of the first pocket calculators and other devices. Then for reasons perhaps known only to himself, Sir Clive decided to move into the field of personal transport and came up with the supposedly revolutionary electric car, the C5.

With Sinclair's reputation he was able to secure massive publicity for the launch and indeed he could point to plausible advantages for the vehicle. It was economical, non-polluting, manoeuvrable in city traffic and easy to park. On the downside, though, the car was slow, of restricted range and looked downright dangerous alongside thundering conventional traffic. Worst of all perhaps, it exposed the user not just to the elements and apparent danger, but to widespread and immediate ridicule. The public took one look; said thanks but no thanks, and the project was dead.

For all his undoubted inventive genius, you see, Sinclair had neglected one of the fundamental rules of all business success: - research your market!

Problem is, though, that this inviolable rule can be tough in the observance for the eager new starter whos just bursting with enthusiasm to get a product online and earning some money. Do you want to start in business by carefully researching a number of different niche markets before going to all the trouble and expense of producing a precisely tailored e-book or piece of software to meet its needs? Thought not; although youll make a lot of money if you do! But best leave that until later in the day when you have your business established and making you a comfortable living.

And that day need not be very far away, because fortunately there is an alternative and much quicker way of getting started, through what are known as resell rights. Put simply this involves purchasing a license to sell a product already created by another.

Online these are currently offered on a huge variety of products, typically e-books and software programs. Creators will usually offer resell rights when they do not have the time, money, or expertise needed to sell their finished product. Some people are just much more interested in researching and creating new products than in marketing them (Sir Clive Sinclair being an excellent example!).

So this can be a really great symbiotic, or win/win relationship. The product creator is earning an income from the sale of the rights in addition to anything he may make from selling the product itself. Moreover, he will benefit from the brand recognition he will achieve by having his product sold in far greater quantities through his resellers than he would be able to obtain on his own.

You as reseller will benefit from having a ready made quality product you can sell in unlimited quantities to visitors to your site. And once you have recouped the cost of your resellers license, which will seldom take more than a handful of sales, you are into the zone of pure profit, retaining all further income for your own.

If this sounds attractive, it is! The profit potential of this kind of business is truly astronomical, and increasing all the time as more and more customers come online around the world.

But there is a catch, however. None of the above significant advantages of using resell rights remove the need to research your market. Before buying your licence you still need to pick a product that sells, and you cant do this by guesswork, by selecting a product that you happen to like, or a niche in which you have an existing interest (although it does help to have a passion for the one you eventually choose). To make money you must research the market and learn what customers want and need to buy. Doing so will allow you to obtain the resell rights to a product that will be in high demand, and which will bring you correspondingly high sales and profits.

Luckily this is not at all difficult do, although you will need to set aside a little time. If you balk at this, just remember that once you have your hot-selling product online youre well on the way to a lifestyle that the vast majority of people will only ever dream of.

Now unsurprisingly perhaps, the best way to learn about the products, topics, or issues that are currently popular on the internet is to use the internet. For example there is a great 2 hour audio program on the subject of resale rights at And the really good news is that its absolutely free!

You can use the search engines to tell you what niches are attracting heavy traffic and should have a look at for another great free tool. You can also check out whats selling on eBay and the non-fiction best sellers on Amazon to give you ideas.

You may also want to participate in online discussions. You can easily do this by joining a number of different message boards in the possible areas of interest youve identified. With online message boards, many internet users post questions and product requests. If you are able to find a product, such as a specific software program or e-book, that is being requested on a large scale, that product may well be able to turn you a profit.

This research may seem like it would be very time consuming, but it neednt be. The joy of the internet is that its just so vast that theres bound to be an area of human interest probably as yet largely untapped that you can find and develop into a successful product very quickly. It helps of course, if you have an existing interest in that subject, but its by no means essential. What is vital, however, is that its a subject in which a significant number of other people are interested, because theyre your potential customers and your potential profits.

The resources above, coupled with your own imagination, will give you all you need to go find them.

Steve Smith
October 2006

Steve Smith is a feelance copywriter specialising in direct marketing both online and through the mail.Ethelin Blog89838
Flower Blog19629

A Simple Step-by-Step Marketing Plan for Private Physical Therapy Practices

If your goal is to have more clients and more freedom, and to build a truly prosperous business, this simple 5-step guide will show you how. Follow these steps, and watch your client referrals and revenues double.

1. Identify a target audience to which you want to market.

You cannot market to the world, so choose an audience which you know has a need for, and could derive great benefit from, your services. Consider who you truly enjoy working with, and what your special service strengths are. Then, identify your ideal clients: those who need your services, are easy to find, have the means to make the decision to use physical therapy services, and whose problem your services will solve.

2. Research your target audience to understand what they want and need.

In your research, find answers to these questions:

---what keeps your target audience from enjoying life fully

---what is your target audience afraid of

---what are their top three frustrations

---what trends are occurring in their businesses and lives

---what do they desire most

---where do they typically go for help?

When you have answers to these questions, you'll know how to market to your target audience, what to say to them, where to reach them, and how you can help them.

3. Make sure people know about you.

The most common reason private physical therapy practices do not have business coming through their doors is simply because people do not know about them. Tell everyone you know, personally and professionally, what you are doing, and ask for their help.

Begin by making a list of everyone you know, not only your professional connections, and send out an informative email, or pick up the telephone and call them. Tell them about your recent initiatives, new achievements, and new target market.

4. Create an identity for your practice and then share it with others.

Build your reputation with an identity that is your very own, unique to you. Don't waste time and money on advertising and marketing without having an identity that is interesting and engaging, so that it will attract people to you.

Here are some key steps you can take in creating an identity for your private practice:

A. Think about your practice's identity in the same way as you do your personal identity.

Describe your practice using these points:

What you audience, equipment, programs

Who you, location convenience, achievements, history

Your staff/team.....special skills, training, unique offerings

What you believe in.....mission, policies

What others say about you.....testimonials

Who your associates are.....MD recommendations, community, partners

B. Now answer these questions:

--What do your clients/patients want from you?

--What is unique about what you offer? What is your edge?

--What are you passionate about offering?

--Who are you passionate about serving?

You now have an identity! Creating an identity can make a real difference to your level of success.

5. Market your services with your existing clients and ask for their referrals.

In addition to having a target audience, client referrals are at the top of the list of marketing strategies. Here's a secret about clients who refer to you: the person who refers once can and will refer many more people, many more times if motivated to do so. This is such an easy strategy and a fast way to get clients. Try it.

Be sure to give recognition and appreciation to your clients who refer. Sending a quick thank-you note or making a telephone call will show your appreciation. This should be done right away. If your clients continue referring, you could send some type of thank- you gift as your appreciation. The client who refers once and fails to get recognition and appreciation will likely never say anything to you but will say to others that they sent you a client and never got as much as a thank you. He'll never refer again.

Spend your non-billable hours with the prospects that matter most. Make your business building hours more productive by applying these five easy-to-implement strategies, and watch your client referrals and revenues double.

Erika Trimble is a professional business coach who specializes in helping private physical therapy practices to develop their businesses, to get more clients, to obtain more freedom and more prosperous businesses. For a Special Report on The Top 10 Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Physiotherapy Practice go to Blog22424
Fae Blog35743

How To Find Hot Niche Markets

Working out what your niche market will be to start your home business is something that can elicit much excitement. This is when you can put all those great ideas you have had for your business into a plan of action. Give yourself a number of options to work over. Some will be great and some won't fit. Get more than one so you always have a back up when you start a home business.

Look to 3 sources for ideas:

* A hobby you love: You won't find many hobbies from which you can't build a business. And since you enjoy doing it, it won't be tedious to "go to work" every day. When you pick something for your business that you sincerely like, you will have fun at doing it.

* Your experiences: In life we go though many experiences and you can use these to build a business. For example if you have raised children you can then put all your parenting experience together and start a business related to parenting.

* Your talents: Everyone has one or more talents within them. Dig down and see what yours are. You can start a freelance business using your talents.

Defining your niche market:

1. List out some ideas then put them in the order of what you like the best.

2. Go to the site listed here and put a key word into the overture suggestion tool box: This will bring up the amount of searches that have been done for your keyword and will represent demand.

3. If you search out that same key word on Google search engine then you will see websites supplying that item and you will know how many competitors are out there that will be competing with you when you start a home business.

4. If you find a topic that is demanded in quantity but low in the suppliers, you will then make money. This should be your special market for which you do your niche marketing. You will make more money with a niche market as you will reduce and sometimes even eliminate competition. Go through your list of ideas until you narrow it down to about

5. Then go through them again and see which one will fit into a niche market.

Establishing your USP:

Once you have found the concept that fits into a specialized or niche market it is time to establish your USP, Unique, Selling, Point. This is when you will take your idea, and see how you will make your business uniquely different from your competitors. Often neglected, finding the USP is something that new business owners need to do to set their item above the competition. Online businesses are very competitive and you have to stay ahead of the game.

There are two reasons you need to set yourself up as different from others:

1. Get ahead of your competitors

2. To clearly define to your potential customers why your product and service is better than your competitors.

Deciding on your business model:

Part of your business concept will not only be consolidating your ideas but also choosing your business model. There are a few that you can choose from:

* Affiliate marketing-Getting involved with affiliate programs will target your efforts

* Network marketing (MLM)- again this will target your market and idea.

* Marketing-taking the product and selling it

* Service- you should use your talents, which includes freelancing.

You can see there are a number of things you will have to do to get your business concept into operation. But it's worth it to plan and take care in developing it. It will be your foundation, after all.

Dan Farrell has a newsletter, Build An eBusiness On A Shoestring. To sign up with free bonuses, go to: Niche Market Ideas ( Fedora Blog5293
Violante Blog31074
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